Costner Cinema Chat

A site in which Kevin Costner's movies are discussed

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Swing Vote DVD Coming Out Too Late To Matter

Disney's complete incompetence in its timing of release and promotion of "Swing Vote" continues with the release of the DVD in January - more than two months after the election (unless this year's election is anything like 2000). Post-election fatigue may push down sales.

At least Kevin Costner and company are doing right by the release, given the DVD details:

The press coverage of "Joe the Plumber" after the debate earlier this week and some comparisons to the movie shows what could have been.

All the more reason for KC to get far away from studios and do what he can on his own.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

What's True and What's Not About "Bull Durham" Sequel

The frenzy over the possibility of a sequel to "Bull Durham" is flying like....well, watch the Cary Grant-Rosalind Russell movie "His Girl Friday" to see how hysterical and exaggerated the press can really get.

Here's what's true:

-Thom Mount, the producer of the original film, said a sequel is being planned. Mount said MGM, which holds the rights (The now-defunct Orion Pictures released the original film.) is interested.
-Mount also said there is no script yet.
-Mount said no one from the original film is committed to a sequel at this time. In other words, Kevin Costner, Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins are not attached.

Here's what's not true:
-There has been discussion about a plot in which Nuke (played by Robbins in the original) and Annie (Sarandon) are married and own a ballclub that Crash (KC) manages, and that Crash has a girlfriend young enough to be his daughter. SINCE THERE IS NO SCRIPT YET, THAT IS NOT TRUE.
-It's worth repeating again that neither of the three leads from the original are attached to the sequel at this time.

Here's a personal opinion: It's true "Bull Durham" isn't my favorite KC film (See my July, 2007 review of the film on DVD.), but I DON'T favor a sequel. I'd love to see Ron Shelton and KC work together again, but on something new.