Costner Cinema Chat

A site in which Kevin Costner's movies are discussed

Thursday, May 24, 2007

KC on NPR's "Fresh Air"

Kevin Costner was interviewed for National Public Radio's program "Fresh Air." Here's the link to the page, and click on the "Listen" icon to hear the interview.....It's about a half-hour long:

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Link to article on star-funded projects

Here's a link to an article in Variety about projects funded by major actors, including KC's support of Mr. Brooks and the upcoming Swing Vote.

Actually, KC's played a big role in either financially supporting his movies (Dances With Wolves, Open Range), or sacrificing his cut to make sure the film was made (Waterworld, For Love of the Game).

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Cayden Wyatt Costner and other newborns

First, congratulations to Kevin and Christine Costner and family on the birth of their son, Cayden Wyatt, Sunday.....

Second, KC's got both a new production company (Treehouse Films, with Jim Wilson), and a new film to shoot ("Swing Vote," which will begin filming in New Mexico in July). More details on those here:

And third, the "Revenge" special edition DVD was due to be released yesterday. I'll have a review as soon as possible.

Wow.....All this, and Mr. Brooks, too. (By the way, check out the film's website, which has some very cool additions):