Costner Cinema Chat

A site in which Kevin Costner's movies are discussed

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Alert: If you haven't seen The Guardian, avoid Cranky Critic review

If you haven't seen The Guardian yet, avoid the Cranky Critic review. The review gives away the ending. I hope there's a penalty for that somewhere.
Other critics hint at the end (that warrants a wrist-slap).
I have seen the film. I liked it a lot, and I loved KC's performance. I'll have a full review about it next week.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Guardian News

Guardian reviews will come fast and furious (oops, wrong movie ;) ) over the next few days, so here are a couple of links that will help you track things down:

The Movie Review Query Engine's Guardian page......will have many reviews:^Guardian,+The+(2006)

Rotten Tomatoes: Critics and moviegoers:

IMDB: Critics, user reviews, comments, photos, links and more links, etc. (Watch out for spoilers here if you haven't seen the film):

Also, here are lots of great clips:

Saturday, September 09, 2006

This is why studios and I hate critics

Yes, it may be hypocritical of me, because it involves the same technology I'm using here, but I'm going to say it anyway.....

Movie critics also have blogs, and they're using it to give impressions of movies weeks in advance of release. This week, at least three movie critics have posted some early impressions of The Guardian (and at least one has telegraphed his review in advance with a sentence that clearly indicates he likes neither KC nor Ashton Kutcher). To paraphrase something KC has said before, it's not a fair playing field.

This is why studios are increasingly beginning not to screen better-quality movies for critics in advance, because of things like this.

And why must critics constantly take cheap shots at a film's participants? I'm referring not to The Guardian in this case.....I'm referring to one who just had to take a shot at Ben Affleck in her "Hollywoodland" review yesterday. For various reasons, I won't mention the name.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Hmmm...where to start?

A busy week for our fella, with his footprints alongside Gregory Peck, Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart, Clark Gable and dozens of Hollywood's other immortals at Graumann's Chinese Theater. Well-deserved for KC.

Then last night, there was the premiere of The Guardian in Washington.

Here, again is the link of Red, the fan from the UK, who somehow gathers it up into one whole very quickly:


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

UK trailer for The Guardian

This trailer's a little different (There's part of a fight scene. But still no Sela Ward. )

Saturday, September 02, 2006

More Guardian stuff

Coming Soon has an article about one of KC's and Ashton Kutcher's Coast Guard visits this week...It includes a link with tons of movie photos:

Great stuff.....And it's good to see Sela Ward, who plays Ben Randall's wife, finally showing up in these photos.