How to screw up promotion of a movie, Part 1: TUOA Album
I guess there's going to be plenty to say about how New Line absolutely mucked up the promotion of The Upside of Anger; it's a tribute to positive word of mouth and good reviews, particularly for Joan Allen and KC, that the movie made a profit in theaters. So the first thing is about the release, or semi-release, of the soundtrack album.
At The Costner Network board, there is a string regarding the album:
The album was not released in stores, something I've never heard of before with a movie soundtrack! It was released on iTunes software, on the Internet. Ridiculous and short-sighted. Typical New Line.
At The Costner Network board, there is a string regarding the album:
The album was not released in stores, something I've never heard of before with a movie soundtrack! It was released on iTunes software, on the Internet. Ridiculous and short-sighted. Typical New Line.
At 10:16 AM,
Jan said…
I downloaded the songs to Upside of Anger then had to find a converter to be able to play them on the pc. I too never heard of a soundtrack being sold this way. All movie soundtracks are sold in stores or online. But the way New Line has done it they are the ones that are losing out of millions of dollars by not marketing the cd. I guess it is the only way to get the songs.
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